Streaming Naruto Shippuuden Movie 5 subtite indonesia

Streaming Naruto Shippuuden Movie 5 – Blood Prison Subtitle Indonesia

Naruto Shippuden 306 Subtitle Indonesia

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Naruto Shippuden 306 Subtitle Indonesia.MP4.3GP
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Naruto Shippuden 306 Subtitle Indonesia.3GP

Naruto Shippuden 306 Subtitle Indonesia.MP4
Naruto Shippuden 306 Subtitle Indonesia.3GP

Naruto Shippuden 306 Subtitle Indonesia.MP4
Naruto Shippuden 306 Subtitle Indonesia.3GP


Kungfu Hustle sub indonesia (2004)

Kungfu Hustle sub indonesia (2004) 

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Sederhana 功夫
Jeruk keprok Gongfu
Kanton Gung1 Fu1
Disutradarai oleh Stephen Chow
Diproduksi oleh
  • Stephen Chow
    Chui Po-chu
    Jeffrey Lau
    Eksekutif dan asosiasi:
    Bill Borden
    Wellson Chin
    Rita Fung
    David Hung
    Wang Zhonglei
    Zhao Haicheng
Ditulis oleh Stephen Chow

Huo Xin
Chan Man-keung
Tsang Kan-cheung
Dibintangi Stephen Chow
Yuen Qiu
Yuen Wah
Danny Chan Kwok Kwan
Musik oleh Raymond Wong
Pembuatan film Poon Hang-sang
Editing oleh Angie Lam
Studio Columbia Pictures Film Production Asia Limited
Star Overseas
Beijing Film Studio
China Film Group
Huayi Brothers
Didistribusikan oleh Columbia Pictures (International)
Sony Pictures Classics (USA)
Tanggal rilis (s) September 14, 2004 ( TIFF )
23 Desember 2004
Lamanya perjalanan 95 menit
Negara Cina
Hong Kong
Bahasa Kanton


 link 1
Kungfu Hustle part1.avi
Kungfu Hustle part2.avi
link 2

Kungfu Hustle part1.avi
Kungfu Hustle part2.avi
link 3
Kungfu Hustle part1.avi
Kungfu Hustle part2.avi
Sub Indonesia :
 link 1
link 2
link 3

naruto movies



  • nama: Naruto Shippuden
  • jumlah film : 1-5
  • subtitle: indonesia
  • sumber: narudemi


Naruto Shippuden the Movie:1

Naruto Shippuden the Movie:2 Bonds

Naruto Shippuden the Movie:3 Inheritors of the Will of Fire

Naruto Shippuden the Movie:4 The Lost Tower

Naruto Shippuden the Movie:5 Blood Prison

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naruto shippuden movie 3
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Django Unchained + Subtitle Indonesia - The Best Popunder Adnetwork

Country USA
English | German | French
Adventure | Drama | Western
Director Quentin Tarantino
Quentin Tarantino
Starcast Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Samuel L. Jackson  and Leonardo DiCaprio | See full cast and crew
Rating imdb_icon.gif 8.6/10 !!
Fan Page

Review :
Idenya diambil dari spaghetti western milik Sergio Corbucci, termasuk nama tokoh utamanya, Django yang legendaris itu, tetapi jika kamu berbicara soal seorang sutradara senyentrik seperti Quentin Tarantino, pastinya kamu tahu bahwa ia tidak pernah meminjam sesuatu dengan begitu saja.

Seperti kebiasaannya, Tarantino selalu membuat versinya sendiri dengan lebih banyak kegilaan, humor satir, dialog-dialog panjang, balas dendam dan tentu saja tumpahan darah, lihat saja ketika ia meminjam kung-fu dan pernak-pernik Shaw Brothers untuk dijadikan ajang balas dendam The Bride yang marah di dwilogi Kill Bill, atau yang terakhir, ketika ia menulis kembali sejarah perang dunia ke II versinya sendiri dalam Inglorious Basterds yang luar biasa itu.

Jadi ketika ia kemudian mencoba membuat sebuah film bertema koboi tentu saja ini akan menjadi sajian berbeda dari kebanyakan western movie membosankan yang pernah kamu lihat sebelumnya.

Premisnya sebenarnya sederhana, seorang suami yang mencari istrinya yang hilang, tetapi coba tambahkan ini; Lokasinya di barat tua yang panas dan gersang, ada budak kulit hitam beruntung, Django (Jamie Foxx) yang merdeka dan menjadi pemburu hadiah bersama sahabat barunya, seorang dokter gigi Jerman, Dr. Schultz yang dimainkan (lagi-lagi) dengan gemilang oleh Chistoph Waltz bersama opening scene 10 menitnya yang mungkin hanya bisa dikalahkan oleh penampilannya sendiri sebagai Jew Hunter ketika ia mengintrogasi pemilik peternakan malang di Inglorious Basterds empat tahun lalu.

Set waktunya sendiri berada di 1858, dua tahun sebelum perang saudara berlangsung, era di mana setiap orang akan terheran-heran ketika melihat pria kulit hitam berani menunggang kuda.

Lalu ada Leonardo Di Caprio sebagai pemilik perkebunan, Calvin Candie yang kejam sebagai tujuan duo bounty hunter itu berikutnya karena dipercaya Candie adalah orang yang memiliki Broomhilda (Kerry Washington), istri Django yang hilang itu.

Sama-sama menggunakan sejarah sebagai latar belakang berceritanya, tetapi tidak seperti Inglorius Basterds yang kental dengan elemen historisnya, Django Unchained tampak murni hanya sebagai setting untuk meletakan narasi sederhananya.

Ini kisah tentang from hero to zero, menggabungkan eastern, western atau mungkin southern dengan elemen koboi, pemburu hadiah, perbudakan, rasisme dan balas dendam yang kental dalam semangat spaghetti western modifikasi yang di presentasikan dengan keren seperti kebanyakan film Tarantino bersama segala editing jenius ( meskipun kali ini tanpa campur tangan Sally Menke, langganan Tarantino yang meninggal 2010 lalu) kejutan-kejutan menarik dan pemilihan soundtrack, scoring enerjik yang meskipun terdengar salah tempat namun malah menjadikan setiap momennya ,dan tentu saja yang sudah kamu tunggu, elemen kekerasan tingkat tingginya yang banyak melibatkan banyak darah bermuncratan, tubuh berlubang dan kepala-kepala yang hancur berantakan, seperti misalnya, adegan terbaik yang berlangsung di kediaman adik perempuan Candie itu sudah sedikit banyak mengingatkan kita ketika Uma Thurman ketika ia membantai para ”Crazy 88″ di Kill Bill. Vol 1, hanya saja kali ini samurai dan elemen kung-fu nya digantikan dengan banyak hujanan peluru dari senapan dan revolver dengan gaya khas western yang kental.

Jamie Foxx boleh saja beruntung mendapat tempat utama sebagai Django yang mendominasi semua bagian, namun kredit terbesar berada di para pemeran pembantunya. Ada Cristoph Waltz yang kembali tampil memesona menghidupkan semua bagian dengan kekuatan aktingnya, lalu ada Leonardo Di Caprio yang tampil menghibur sebagai majikan perkebunan yang kejam, pemuja Mandingo yang brutal, bahkan penampilan sebentar Samuel L. Jackson pun tak kalah apiknya, plus jangan lewatkan cameo Tarantino dalam sebuah adegan yang kocak.

Mungkin bukan karya terbaik Tarantino yang pernah kamu saksikan, tetapi jika kamu adalah fansnya, sulit untuk tidak jatuh cinta dengan Django Unchained yang konon merupakan bagian kedua dari sebuah trilogi setelah sebelumnya Inglorious Basterds sudah memulainya terlebih dahulu.

Apalagi untuk ukuran sebuah western movie yang biasa dijadikan tontonan nomor dua, Tarantino sudah melakukan sebuah usaha fantastis untuk menaikan pamor genre klasik ini dengan caranya sendiri tanpa harus menghilangkan semangat baratnya yang keras dan panas, terlebih kamu akan kembali bertemu dengan seorang Christoph Waltz yang lagi-lagi tampil bagus.


Download (BDRip):

Nama File :
Django Unchained - Part I (116 mb)
Django Unchained - Part II (135 mb)
Jenis : AVI
Durasi : 165 Menit
Source : BDRip
Alternatif 1: Part I, Part II,
Alternatif 2: Part I, Part II,
Alternatif 3: Part I, Part II,
Alternatif 4: Part I, Part II,
Alternatif 5: Part I, Part II,

Subtitle Indonesia

Nama File :
Bahasa : Indonesia [Manual]
Format : SUB & SRT
Subtitle By: Geraldine (

Download (DVDScr):

Nama File :
Django Unchained - Part I (109 mb)
Django Unchained - Part II (88 mb)
Jenis : AVI
Durasi : 165 Menit
Source : DVDScr
Alternatif : Part I, Part II,

Subtitle Indonesia

Nama File :
Bahasa : Indonesia [Manual]
Format : SUB & SRT

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Mary and Max + Subtitle Indo

Country Australia
English | Yiddish
Animation | Drama | Comedy
Director Adam Elliot
Adam Elliot
Starcast Toni Collette, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Eric Bana | See full cast and crew
Rating imdb_icon.gif 8,2/10!!
Fan Page

Review :
Mary & Max adalah film animasi stopmotion dari Australia yang skenario dan penyutradaraannya ditangani oleh Adam Elliot. Sejumlah nama besar di industri film semacam Toni Collette, Philip Seymour Hoffman dan Eric Bana turut menyumbang suara mereka di film animasi pemenang banyak penghargaan ini.

Film produksi tahun 2009 ini mengambil setting waktu dari tahun 1976 hingga 1994. Berkisah tentang seorang gadis cilik berusia 8 tahun bernama Mary yang hidupnya kesepian. Tak memiliki teman, bahkan kedua orangtuanya sibuk dengan urusan mereka sendiri. Kehidupan yang berat bagi seorang gadis cilik di Australia.

Suatu ketika, Mary menuliskan surat ke Max yang dia dapat secara acak saat mencari nama di buku telepon. Kehidupan Max tak lebih baik dari Mary. Di usianya yang sudah memasuki kepala 4, Max hidup sendiri di apartemennya dan memiliki masalah obesitas yang cukup parah. Bahkan Max mengidap Asperger Syndrome yang mengakibatkan dia sulit berinteraksi dengan orang lain.

Max membalas surat Mary dan tidak lupa menyertakan batangan cokelat seperti halnya Mary saat mengirimkan surata kepadanya. Persahabatan melalui surat ini terjalin hingga hampir 20 tahun lamanya dan sempat diwarnai dengan kesalahpahaman karena Max yang over sensitif sehingga sempat merenggangkan hubungan keduanya.

Sebagai sebuah film animasi, Mary & Max cenderung bertutur dengan lambat, suram dan gelap. Filmnya sendiri mengangkat masalah yang cukup berat seperti depresi, bunuh diri, kesepian hingga perasaan cemas. Itulah mengapa film ini sangat tidak cocok untuk dikonsumsi oleh anak - anak, bahkan untuk ukuran remaja pun Mary & Max masih tergolong berat.

Adam sering memakai simbol dalam filmnya ini terutama dalam menggambarkan kehidupan kedua tokoh utama, semisal New York City yang selalu terlihat suram mencerminkan kehidupan Max yang kesepian.

Mary & Max bukanlah tipikal film yang bisa dinikmati dengan santai sambil menyantap snack, film ini membutuhkan pemikiran yang mendalam karena penonton diajak untuk merenungi arti dari kehidupan dan memahami apa yang terjadi terhadap Mary dan Max.

Kita akan bersyukur dengan kehidupan kita setelah melihat bagaimana kehidupan yang dijalani oleh mereka. Persahabatan yang terjalin diantara mereka juga unik dan tidak biasa. Salut untuk Adam Elliott yang mampu membuat film animasi semenyentuh dan sedalam ini.
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Nama File : Mary and Max
Jenis : AVI
Ukuran : 149 mb
Durasi : 1 Jam - 28 Menit - 29 Detik
Source : DVDRip
Alternatif  :  Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4,

Subtitle :

Nama File :sub link 1, ,Link 2
Bahasa : Indonesia [Manual]
Format : SUB & SRT
Subtitle By: dhika1708 (

Cinderella Once Upon A Time In The West Subtitle Indo

Country France
English | French
Animation | Adventure | Comedy
Director Pascal Hérold
Pascal Hérold (screenplay)
Starcast Alexandra Lamy, Yolande Moreau, Isabelle Nanty | See full cast and crew   
Rating imdb_icon.gif N/A
Fan Page

Sinopsis :
Once upon a time… In the west, there was a secluded, pigtailed cowgirl who worked day and night for her wicked stepmother and evil stepsisters in their dusty frontier town. But this is not your typical “Cinderella”

story: When the mother of handsome Prince Vladimir is kidnapped by high-flying desert pirates, Cinderella – with the help of her magical native spiritualist – takes off on an action-packed quest to rescue the Duchess, claim the missing tooth she lost at the ball, and capture the Prince’s heart to become a real princess. Get ready to saddle up for a new look at a classic fairy tale, filled with big adventure, fun surprises and eye-popping animation.


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Nama File : Cinderella Once Upon A Time In The West
Jenis : AVI
Ukuran : 135 mb
Durasi : 1 Jam - 21 Menit - 14 Detik
Source : BDRip
Alternatif  :  Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4,

Subtitle :

Nama File :
Bahasa : Indonesia [Manual]
Format : SUB & SRT
Subtitle By: Blackspiders (

Naruto Shippuden 305 Subtitle Indonesia - The Best Popunder Adnetwork
 Naruto Shippuden 305 Episode Subtitle Indonesia
Download Film Anime Naruto Shippuden 305 Terbaru
Download Video Anime Naruto Shippuden 305 Subtitle Indonesia

 Naruto Shippuden 305 Subtitle Indonesia.MP4
( 30 Mb )
[ link 1]   [ link2]
 Naruto Shippuden 305 Subtitle Indonesia.3gp
( 20 Mb )
[ link1]   [link2]

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Naruto Shippuden Episode 304 Subtitle Indonesia

"Transfer Jutsu Hell"


In this episode still tells the story of the battle well as between Shikamaru, Neji, Kiba, Choji against Tayuya and friends. At that moment hinata track chakra Neji and Kiba turns their chakra flow stopped but still no heartbeat.

Because they have been thrown into the soul of a place with a transfer jutsu hell. And the team was trying to track down the headquarters of the They. But the team's headquarters could not find it.

How is the fate of Shikamaru and his friends.

Please download the video below.

Naruto Shippuden Episode 304 Subtitle Indonesia

 [3gp] | [Mp4] | [Mp4 HD]

[3gp] | [Avi] | [Mkv]

Thanks to :

Piranha 3DD (2012) + Subtitle indonesia

In Movie Theaters:Friday, June 1, 2012    in 75 theaters   
On Blu-ray & DVD:Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Released; Now Available Buy or Rent Availability
On Demand (VOD):TBA, 2012
more cast
. . . Maddy
. . . Chet
. . . Barry
. . . Kyle

. . . Travis
Companies: The Weinstein Company & 2 more
Rating:R for sequences of strong bloody horror violence and gore, graphic nudity, sexual content, language and some drug use.
Runtime:1 hour, 23 minutes


The prehistoric man-eating piranhas travel through plumping and pipes and into a newly opened water park called "The Big Wet Water Park".
View All Plots (2)modified formulation from

Additional Notes:
Christopher Lloyd reprises his role as the eccentric piranha expert with survivor Paul Scheer and a partially devoured Ving Rhames back for more fish frenzy. David Hasselhoff trades in the sandy beaches of "Baywatch" to be a celebrity lifeguard at the water park. 

Download Full Movie

Piranha_3DD_2012_DVDRIP_BY_CRAZYCYBORG.avi 126 MB

Alternatif Download link Full Movie
Piranha_3DD_2012_DVDRIP_BY_CRAZYCYBORG_avi 126 MB

Download subtitle indonesia part 1 dan part 2
Subtitle indonesia Piranha 3DD 2012 part 1 dan part 2 18 KB

Art of the Devil 3 + Subtitle Indonesia

Art of the Devil 3 (Long Khong 2)

One of several Thai film posters.
Directed by Pasith Buranajan
Kongkiat Khomsiri
Isara Nadee
Seree Phongnithi
Yosapong Polsap
Putipong Saisikaew
Art Thamthrakul
Written by Kongkiat Khomsiri
Yosapong Polsap
Starring Napakpapha Nakprasitte
Supakorn Kitsuwon
Namo Tongkumnerd
Paweena Chariffsakul
Distributed by Five Star Production
Release date(s) April 3, 2008
Running time 100 minutes
Country Thailand
Language Thai
The film opens with a magician, Dit, torturing his former master and demanding the '3rd Eye', which will make him a full disciple of the Three-Eyed God. The master warns that Dit cannot handle all the black magic he's absorbed. Dit stabs his former master in the forehead and tries to dig out the 3rd Eye, but the old man does not seem to have it. Dit kills him. Later, we see Dit in his hotel room, bathing in reeds and herbs, trying to heal a rotting wound on his stomach, caused by too much black magic devouring him from the inside out. As the film continues, this wound festers and grows larger. In a hospital, Aajaan Panor is strapped to a bed in the psychiatric ward, as her nurse and doctor look on. The doctor prescribes a change in medication, claiming that it will not harm Miss Panor's unborn child. The nurse is a woman named Pen, who is Ta's aunt. She is also newly pregnant. Her husband, Aod, arrives at the hospital to pick her up, and together they drive to the train station to get Ta. Sepia-toned flashbacks show that Panor was tutoring both Pen and Ta. Ta's father, Prawase, falls in love with Panor; in order to marry her, he poisons his first wife, Duen. Ta's grandfather and great-grandmother enlist Dit's help to bring Duen back to life by transferring her soul into a new body. Using Ta's blood as a conduit, they encourage him chant the sutra, but he is too nervous, and the ritual fails. Now, ten years later, Ta has returned home to spend some time with his family, and they hope that he will be able to complete the ceremony this time around. The family again hires Dit to help them. Pen takes Panor from the hospital and brings her to the family barn, where Ta's grandfather has preserved Duen's corpse in salt. As the ritual begins, Pen straps Panor into stirrups and removes her foetus. As Panor struggles, Dit sees the 3rd Eye bulging from her forehead, and decides he must get it at all costs. Ta chants the sutra successfully, Panor's soul is torn from her body and trapped in a mirror, and Duen's soul settles into Panor's body. Dit ties a red string around Duen/Panor's wrist and says that it will help attach the old soul to this new body. Aod goes to bury the foetus and mirror at the base of a small shrine, but is spooked by some noises in the jungle and runs off, leaving everything behind. Meanwhile, the 3rd Eye is causing Duen/Panor to experience some creepy visions—mostly corpses of people slain in the name of black magic. While arguing with some of these invisible creatures, the red string falls off her wrist. Duen/Panor next goes to a secret hut in the jungle where she has tied up her husband, Prawase. She reveals that she is Duen in Panor's body, and accuses him of trying to abandon her. She tortures him by tearing out his toenails. When she leaves the hut, Prawase gets loose and shoots himself in the head. Deep in the jungle, Duen's soul starts to come loose from Panor's body, and she fights with Dit to keep both pieces together. In their struggles, the mirror containing Panor's soul is broken, Duen's soul is evicted, and Panor's returns. Dit runs away. At this exact moment, Ta's great-grandmother starts screaming that the family is about to be destroyed by a ghost. In the barn, Panor ties Ta's grandfather to a chair and lays out some black magic accoutrements. She pins his eyes open with safety pins, then rubs salt on them. Panor claims that she will make the grandfather watch the death of his whole family. Using her black magic (and the extra power of the 3rd Eye), Panor causes Ta's great-grandmother to stab herself in the ear with a metal spike. In the ensuing panic, Aod hears Pen calling for him, and rushes outside to see a vision of her, bleeding. He follows the vision to the village windmill, where Panor's magic enchants a rope that becomes a noose and encircles his neck. Pen and Ta both arrive and try to save Aod, but they cannot fight the windmill, and Aod is strangled. Back in the barn, Panor instructs the grandfather to call out to Ta and Pen, and proceeds to drip hot wax into his eyes. Pen and Ta come running, but Panor causes them to lose their way. She uses her magic to cause Pen's foetus to swell up and explode out of her body. Ta finds her body and is faced with a vision of Panor. He attempts to attack her with a stick, but it passes through her body. Dit arrives, seemingly to save the day, and stabs Panor's spirit with a magic knife. He demands that she give him the 3rd Eye, but Panor is too powerful for him. She pushes Dit away and causes his ever-growing stomach wound to completely consume his chest. Ta flees and finally reaches the barn, where his grandfather is sitting at a table with the corpses of his family gathered around him. Panor arrives and captures Ta, then burns off his skin with a blow torch, as seen in the previous film as seen in the previous film.artofthedevilIII.jpg


Art of the Devil II


Nama File : Art of the Devil III
Jenis : AVI
Ukuran : 125 mb
Durasi : 1 Jam - 20 Menit - 58 Detik
Source : DVDRip
Alternatif  :  Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4,

Subtitle :

Nama File :
Bahasa : Indonesia [Manual]
Format : SUB & SRT
Subtitle By: Hannayuri  (

1920: Evil Returns + Subtitle Indonesia

Movie poster
Directed by Bhushan Patel
Produced by Vikram Bhatt[1]
Written by Vikram Bhatt
Screenplay by Rensil D'Silva
Starring Aftab Shivdasani
Tia Bajpai
Sharad Kelkar
Vidya Malvade
Music by Chirantan Bhatt
Cinematography Naren Gedia
Editing by Swapnil Raj
Distributed by IBC Motion Pictures
ASA Productions and Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.
Release date(s)
  • November 2, 2012
Country India
Language Hindi
Budget INR 9 crore[2]


Jaidev Verma (Aftab Shivdasani) is a famous poet who lives the life of a loner as he is unable to meet the love of his life, Smruti (Tia Bajpai). They got to know each other through an exchange of letters and slowly fall for each other. One day, Jaidev receives a letter informing him that Smruti had an accident and has died. Now his sister Karuna (Vidya Malvade) is his only support system who keeps him motivated. One day Jaidev finds an unconscious girl near a lake and brings her home. After returning to her senses, she is not able to remember anything from her past life except Jaidev's poems. Karuna becomes skeptical of her presence in the house and gets even more so when the keeper of the cemetery warns them of an evil spirit inside of her who is in love with her!
But Jaidev is insistent on keeping her at home since he feels a connection with her. He even names her Sangeeta. Strange & spooky things start happening with Sangeeta like vomiting iron nails and seeing ghosts in her room. On their way to see a doctor, Sangeeta gets completely possessed by the ghost. Now to save her, the only person Jaidev can turn to is the cemetery keeper. Slowly Jaidev gets to know that Sangeeta is actually his lost love Smruti. So he went to Smruti's old address to find the truth. But there he discovers that Karuna had come there before, asking about Smriti. Jaidev returns home and finds that Karuna is missing; he finds Karuna's body hanging in the forest with suicide notes around it. From Karuna's letters he comes to know that his best friend Amar (Sharad Kelkar), who was always jealous of Jaidev's success, exploited Karuna to get his revenge. When Amar discovers that Jaidev loves Smruti, he goes to Smruti, posing as Jaidev, and takes her to Shimla and tries to exploit her, but in the process Amar dies. Now Jaidev takes possessed Smruti to Shimla to face the final battle of good and bad.
As they are preparing to take Smruti, the cemetery keeper warns Jaidev that the spirit possessing Smruti is very vengeful and has to be deceitfully taken to the same place i.e. Amar's residence, and when once Smruti touches Amar's corpse, even unwillingly, the spirit of Amar will have to leave Smruti's body and return to Amar's corpse; then the corpse can be set on fire, releasing Amar's spirit from this karmic cycle of life, death and after death and attain nirvana. Whilst doing this Smruti must not know where she is being taken, else the spirit residing in her will also know, and may try to flee from the spot, so she is made unconscious and completely enveloped in a sacred cloth from head to toe, while maintaining complete preparedness of not letting cloth move from Smruti's face. Eventually they reach the designated place, but as fate would have it, the cemetery keeper topples on old broken flooring and so drops Smruti's unconscious body, moving the sacred cloth away from her face, awakening the spirit in her. The possessed Smruti unleashes bloody mayhem on all four persons including Jaidev and in a matter of time all the persons except Jaidev are brutally killed by decapitation from old steel wire broken by possessed Smruti. Jaidev is badly injured in battle of evil versus just, and the possessed Smruti even burns the corpse of Amar thus forever remaining in Smruti's body. Helpless Jaidev lying on floor pleads with spirit in smruti's body that since spirit will take smruti forever with him there is no meaning in him letting Jaidev live after and pleads spirit to kill him so as to release from agony of living after smruti's separation. But spirit refuses saying that it is exactly what spirit want Jaidev to suffer but while saying so possessed smruti walks at least in lying Jaidev's reach and Jaidev cuts one rope attached to loft in ceiling thus opening ceiling loft's door then a corpse from ceiling falls on possessed smruti eventually touching smruti there it is revealed in flashback that it is the real corpse of amar that Jaidev along with other persons had hidden in ceiling loft as precaution for future planned convincingly.The corpse comes alive as spirit is forced to return to its original body once the corpse touched smruti's body when it fell on the enraged corpse aka spirit trys to kill smruti also by jumping with her in fire lit by spirit earlier. But jaidev in nick of time thrusts an axe in the corpse making it fall back into the fire. Jaidev saves Smruti and they are shown living happily with each other.
 dia, mengapa dia dirasuki oleh iblis.



Download :

Nama File : 1920: Evil Returns
Jenis : AVI
Ukuran : 175 mb
Durasi : 1 Jam - 59 Menit - 14 Detik
Source : DVDRip
Alternatif : Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4,


Nama File :
Bahasa : Indonesia [Manual]
Format : SUB & SRT
Subtitle By: Dany Risminanto (

Art of the Devil + Subtitle Indonesia

Art of the Devil

Theatrical poster.
Directed by Tanit Jitnukul
Produced by Charoen Iamphungporn
Written by Ghost Gypsy
Starring Supakson Chaimongkol
Tin Settachoke
Cinematography Tanai Nimchareonpong
Thaya Nimcharoenpong
Editing by Sunij Asavinikul
Distributed by Five Star Production
Release date(s) June 17, 2004
Running time 96 minutes
Country Thailand



Art of the Devil tells the story of Boom (Supaksorn Chaimongkol), a young Thai girl who meets a married man named Prathan (Tin Settachoke) at a country club. The two soon begin an affair, and Boom finds herself pregnant. When she breaks the news to Prathan, he appears to settle for giving her a sum of money in exchange for her silence, reassuring her that he won't leave her. However, he then wakes her up in the middle of the night, informing her that for that large an amount of money, he had the right to share her. While Prathan wields a video camera, his friends chase a terrified and screaming Boom out of the room and onto the beach, where they apparently gang-rape her.
After getting an ultrasound at the hospital, Boom shows up at the restaurant where Prathan's daughter is celebrating her birthday and informs him that the sum of money he'd given her was not enough. He pulls her outside and hits her, tossing a wad of cash at her and warning her not to come near his family again. Furious, Boom enlists the aid of a black magic user to exact revenge on her ex-lover and his entire family, notably causing the eldest son to shoot his girlfriend and his little sister before turning the gun on himself.
After their deaths, Boom visits a temple and finds that if she donates coffins for the spirits, they will not bother her. She makes some offerings. While leaving the temple, she sees the ghosts of her victims in the back of a car and steps off of the sidewalk to get a better look, whereupon she is hit by a car. The accident causes her to lose her baby. Prathan's first wife inherits his fortune. She and her four children move in to the house. Boom again uses black magic to kill this new family off. However, her motive this time is not for revenge, but in order to claim the inheritance. A young newspaper reporter becomes suspicious, so Boom arranges for his death, as well. Throughout this, the ghost of Boom's dead daughter is seen around the house.
The story ends with only the youngest son and eldest daughter surviving the massacre. Boom voluntarily falls to her death from the roof of the hospital after seeing her daughter's ghost.



Download :

Nama File :
Art of the Devil - Part I
(76 mb)
Art of the Devil - Part II (76 mb)
Jenis : AVI
Durasi : 100 Menit
Source : DVDRip
Alternatif 1 : Part I, Part II
Alternatif 2 : Part I, Part II
Alternatif 3 : Part I, Part II
Alternatif 4 : Part I, Part II

Subtitle :

Nama File :
Bahasa : Indonesia [Manual]
Format : SUB & SRT
Subtitle By : loBom (

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